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Construction Manager at Risk

Construction Management at Risk projects are usually driven by clients with “fast track” scheduling needs. Often times JDL Warm Construction will serve as a Construction Manager at Risk after a prospective client has engaged an architect during the preliminary design phase of a project. The client, with the help of the architect, will bring a firm such as ours on board to help manage the construction process. Initially we will act as an additional consultant to the owner during the design phase, but as the equivalent of a general contractor during the construction phase.


This delivery method is typically performed on a fixed fee basis. JDL Warm Construction, with input from the client and architect, provides the following services under this delivery method (many of these services are provided in some form in the other delivery methods as well):

  • Preliminary Design review and cost estimating
  • Value Engineer if necessary to meet a clients budget
  • Development of project schedule and phasing
  • Construction document review for constructability and cost control
  • Manage and amend schedules as required
  • Administrate and manage the bidding process
  • Execution and administration of all trade contracts
  • Manage the overall construction process and quality
  • Deliver the project within the contracted budget